A4H in the Spotlight

Astronauts4Hire has received worldwide attention since announcing its first job as the contracted flight researcher hired by Saber Astronautics Australia and the 4 Pines Brewery to test Vostok space beer in microgravity. To date, over 150 articles have appeared in the media ranging from blogs to magazines, newspapers, radio, and television. Here are some of the highlights:

Discover Magazine

Popular Science

TIME Magazine

Sydney Morning Herald

Discovery News


We've been on a number of radio and TV programs too:

Brian Shiro spoke with host Pascale Hartner on BBC's The World Today.

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Ben Corbin spoke with host Carol Off on CBC's As it Happens (23-28 minutes into the broadcast).

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Todd Romberger spoke with host Ed Wenck on WIBC Radio.

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Host Steve Inskeep discussed the space beer project on NPR's Morning Edition.

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Carl Kassel read a space beer themed limerick on NPR's Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!, and host Peter Sagal then explained the premise behind the beer testing project.

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Discovery Channel Canada's Daily Planet show discussed the space beer project in their "Weird Planet" segment. Watch the clip here:

The blogosphere has picked up on the story in a big way too with about a dozen dozen posts so far. For example, the geek community picked apart the subject in discussions at Slashdot, Gizmodo, and CNET (Note that CNET mistakenly said Astronauts4Hire owns the Zero G plane.). The beer brewing community has also gotten interested in this exciting project with spirited posts from KegWorks, Beer Universe, and Drink With The Wench.

Let's face it: the 'beer in space' story practically sells itself, so it was only a matter of time before jokes started to surface. We very nearly made it on Saturday Night Live, and were parodied in a recent episode of The Eureka Trivia Show. It's probably only a matter of time before we end up in late night talk show monologues.

While all of the space beer media attention has been in full swing, Physics Today published an article titled "Suborbital research hitches a ride on commercial space cruisers" that mentions A4H and quotes A4H President Brian Shiro describing the new commercial astronaut organization. The article focuses on ways NASA's CRuSR program can address science in the "ignorosphere", which is the region 50-100 km above the Earth. The article appears in the October 2010 issue (Volume 63, Issue 10, Pages 28-30, download PDF).

For more information on science aboard the new crop of suborbital vehicles, the latest issue of Aerospace America contains an excellent article titled "A higher calling for suborbital research" that clearly describes the opportunities for research on the edge of space. The article appears in the September 2010 issue (Volume 48, Number 8, Pages 32-37, download PDF).

These and other Astronauts4Hire articles, interviews, and mentions are listed on our Media Page.


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