
Showing posts from October, 2010

Press Release: Astronauts4Hire offers limited time high profile Sponsorship Special

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 26, 2010 Astronauts4Hire offers limited time high profile Sponsorship Special Tampa, Florida – For a limited time, Astronauts4Hire is offering a Sponsorship Special leading up to its inaugural mission testing the world’s first beer brewed specifically for drinking in space. During this promotion, sponsors contributing $1,000 or more will receive a shoulder logo on the flight suit worn by the Astronaut4Hire researcher during the historic flight. Sponsors of $5,000 or more will receive a logo on the chest of the flight suit and mention in all future press releases regarding the flight. With the high level of media attention expected, sponsors will gain extensive exposure to national and international audiences. During the planned November 19, 2010 flight aboard Zero Gravity Corporation’s specially modified aircraft, the Astronauts4Hire flight researcher will sample the specially produced beer during periods of weightlessness and record biometric and qualit...

Press Release: Astronauts4Hire sponsors Next-generation Suborbital Researchers Conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 12, 2010 Astronauts4Hire sponsors Next-generation Suborbital Researchers Conference Tampa, Florida – Astronauts4Hire is pleased to announce that it has become a sponsor of the 2011 Next-generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC) to be held in Orlando, Florida from February 28 through March 2, 2011. Brian Shiro, President and CEO of Astronauts4Hire, joined the conference's scientific organizing committee, chaired by Dr. Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. "Astronauts4Hire grew out of the 2010 NSRC," says Shiro, "so it is fitting that we give back to the suborbital research community by sponsoring the 2011 NSRC. This will be a prime opportunity for A4H to demonstrate how far it's come in its first year and where it's going in the future." During the conference, members of Astronauts4Hire will give presentations on the organization in general, its qualification standards for suborbit...

A4H in the Spotlight

Astronauts4Hire has received worldwide attention since announcing its first job as the contracted flight researcher hired by Saber Astronautics Australia and the 4 Pines Brewery to test Vostok space beer in microgravity. To date, over 150 articles have appeared in the media ranging from blogs to magazines, newspapers, radio, and television. Here are some of the highlights: Discover Magazine Popular Science TIME Magazine   Sydney Morning Herald Discovery News & MSNBC We've been on a number of radio and TV programs too: Brian Shiro spoke with host Pascale Hartner on BBC's The World Today . Free Flash Widget by Static Player!   Ben Corbin spoke with host Carol Off on CBC's As it Happens (23-28 minutes into the broadcast). Free Flash Widget by Static Player!   Todd Romberger spoke with host Ed Wenck on WIBC Radio . Free Flash Widget by Static Player!   Host Steve Inskeep discussed the space beer project on NPR's Morning Edition . Free Fl...