A busy month of A4H training
Hot on the heels of NSRC 2013 , A4H members came together to participate in several training activities throughout the month of June. First, Flight Members Ben Corbin and Jim Crowell completed Basic Suborbital Space Training at the NASTAR Center , where they built up their personal G-tolerance on simulated spaceflights in the PHOENIX Centrifuge , learned about high altitude physiology through an hypobaric chamber ride, and participated in several other academic lectures related to the aerospace environment in order to maximize their preparation for spaceflight. Associate Member David Attig joined Ben and Jim to complete high altitude training. Then, Flight Members Dr. Mindy Howard and Kristine Ferrone completed Sensorimotor Human Factors Training at SIRIUS Astronaut Training . The 2-day " Protocol A " program focuses on preparing for the inevitable spatial disorientation, sensory illusions, movement errors, and motion sickness most people will experience on space flig...