2013 A4H Silent Auction

Astronauts4Hire is pleased to announce the launch of the First Annual A4H Online Silent Auction !! The funds raised from this year's auction, which runs from Sunday, April 7th until Friday, April 12th, will be used to support A4H's educational outreach program, furthering the A4H mission: "To increase the competitiveness of commercial astronaut candidates by providing skills training, facilitating forums for candidate communication, engaging the space research community, and inspiring the next generation." Please join us for our auction, held in conjunction with Yuri's Night events across the globe, at: www.32auctions.com/Astronauts4Hire . The items up for auction were generously donated by A4H friends, members, and partners, and range from collectible NASA spaceflight memorabilia, autographed books, and unique patches, to lifetime Associate memberships in Astronauts4Hire. We would like to thank everyone who donated an item for this year’s auction, for without ...