
Showing posts from May, 2011

Press Release: Astronauts4Hire Announces TargetProcess Sponsorship

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 31, 2011 Astronauts4Hire Announces TargetProcess Sponsorship Tampa, Florida – Astronauts4Hire is pleased to announce its sponsorship by TargetProcess, Inc. , an agile project management software provider. As part of the sponsorship, Astronauts4Hire is receiving complimentary licenses for TargetProcess’s online project management system. Astronauts4Hire uses TargetProcess to track tasks and concentrate on applying members’ volunteered time in the most productive way. "We are an organization spread across the United States, Canada and Europe, so communication and structured collaboration are essential to our daily business," said Astronauts4Hire Chief Technology Officer Amnon Govrin. "The customizability of TargetProcess’s On-Demand service have allowed us to adapt it to our unique needs." TargetProcess Vice President of Business Development Andrey Mihailenko praised the Astronauts4Hire implementation of TargetProcess software, noting that...

Seedhouse Completes High-G Jet Training

Adding to his recent high altitude and G-tolerance training , A4H member Dr. Erik Seedhouse completed unusual attitude training in a BAE Hawk 115 at 15 Wing of the Canadian Forces Base in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The training allowed him to develop aerobatic skills to track and control aircraft motion paths during unusual attitudes  and high G-forces .  His first-hand account of the exciting activity follows. At 0700 on 17th May I went to the Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) office for my G-suit fitting which took about 30 minutes. After being fitted, the G-suit was tested on a rig to make sure the thing inflated properly.  Once that was done I moved on to the helmet fit.  Then, it was time for a review of how the parachute works – how to steer, when to release the survival pack (that's the yellow pack you can under my backside), and what to do if you have 'twists'. Next, it was time to visit the ejection seat trainer and take an ALSE exam on what to do ...

More Space Beer News

Astronauts4Hire received global media attention  in major TV, radio, print, and online news outlets following our September 2010 announcement that Vostok Pty Ltd had hired us to conduct microgravity flight tests of their new space beer.  After some flight schedule changes, we successfully carried out the first space beer test  in February 2011, completing our first research contract as "astronauts for hire."  Several news outlets took note of this accomplishment, including Fox News , Discovery News , MSNBC , Slashdot , FOOD Magazine , Beer and Brewer Magazine , and Hemispheres Magazine (on United/Continental Airlines). Hot on the heels of the successful final launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-134 mission, a new Reuters article titled "Australian beer hopes to boldly go into space" is making waves in the current news cycle.  Drawing upon interviews with Jaron Mitchell of the 4 Pines Brewery and Dr. Jason Held of Saber Astronautics Australia , as w...

A4H in Discover Magazine

The June 2011 issue of Discover Magazine includes a 2-page spread called " After the Shuttle: Astronauts for Hire ." Featuring interviews with A4H President Brian Shiro and former NASA astronaut Ken Bowersox  (now of SpaceX ), the article focuses on how the astronaut profession is changing in the post-Shuttle era.  It highlights one of the most important reasons we started Astronauts4Hire in the first place: to recruit and train the next generation of astronauts for the new age of commercial spaceflight.  The article is available on newsstands now.  We thank  Discover for taking an interest in A4H and the future of human spaceflight. Other articles featuring A4H, including last year's New Scientist interview and the widespread media attention paid to our first job , are listed on our  Media page .