Press Release: Astronauts4Hire selected for Historic Microgravity Research Flight
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 22, 2010 Astronauts4Hire selected for Historic Microgravity Research Flight Tampa, Florida – Astronauts4Hire’s inaugural mission as a contracted flight researcher will be testing the world’s first beer to be certified for drinking in space. The beer, produced as a joint venture between Saber Astronautics Australia and the 4-Pines Brewing Company (under the name Vostok Pty Ltd ), is a recipe designed for easy drinking in both in microgravity and on Earth. It is intended to meet anticipated demand from the nascent space tourism market. An Astronauts4Hire flight member has been hired as the primary flight operator for the non-profit organization’s first employment opportunity. Sampling the beer during weightless parabolas, the flight researcher will record both qualitative data on beverage taste and drinkability and biometric data on body temperature, heart rate, and blood alcohol content. “Astronauts4Hire is living up to its name,” says its President...