
Showing posts from September, 2010

Press Release: Astronauts4Hire selected for Historic Microgravity Research Flight

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 22, 2010 Astronauts4Hire selected for Historic Microgravity Research Flight Tampa, Florida – Astronauts4Hire’s inaugural mission as a contracted flight researcher will be testing the world’s first beer to be certified for drinking in space. The beer, produced as a joint venture between Saber Astronautics Australia and the 4-Pines Brewing Company (under the name Vostok Pty Ltd ), is a recipe designed for easy drinking in both in microgravity and on Earth. It is intended to meet anticipated demand from the nascent space tourism market. An Astronauts4Hire flight member has been hired as the primary flight operator for the non-profit organization’s first employment opportunity. Sampling the beer during weightless parabolas, the flight researcher will record both qualitative data on beverage taste and drinkability and biometric data on body temperature, heart rate, and blood alcohol content. “Astronauts4Hire is living up to its name,” says its President...

A4H Alli Taylor interviewed by "Around Space"

A4H member Alli Taylor had the privilege of being interviewed by Dr. Kent Miller, the host of Around Space .  Around Space, a public access television show in the Washington, D.C. metro area, is directed and produced by the local chapter of the National Space Society .  The show expressed interest in our new organization and was eager to lock-in an interview with one of our members.  Alli discussed the initiatives and capabilities of the Astronauts for Hire organization, emphasizing that A4H plans to be the matchmaker between astronaut candidates, spaceflight providers, and the research community. "Besides discussing the exciting potential our organization holds within the space community, I really enjoyed the experience of being on a TV set followed by dinner with the crew!  I was honored to represent the organization, it was quite an experience." Dr. Kent Miller (left) and A4H member Alli Taylor Look for the interview to air within the next few months and an ...