
Astronauts4Hire (A4H) is now the Association of Spaceflight Professionals (ASP)

Hello, aspiring astronauts and space enthusiasts! We have some very exciting news. After around a year of brainstorming, polling, and deliberation, Astronauts4Hire Inc., known in short as A4H, has officially been re-branded as the Association of Spaceflight Professionals, Inc., to be further abbreviated as ASP. This move was made after multiple sessions of careful consideration from our members, executive team, board, and various advisers, with the goal of better serving our members and helping them meet their goals in the pursuit of spaceflight opportunities. Astronauts4Hire was started with the goal of creating the world's first commercial astronauts corps; a group of people that commercial space companies could call up whenever they were in need of trained specialists to operate their spacecrafts and payloads and execute science experiments in space. While that is still a big part of our mission, its now integrated into a larger, multi-faceted mission involving more immediate an...

A4H Flight Member Makes it to Top 72 Candidates in Canadian Astronaut Selection Process

We would like to congratulate Dr. Aaron Persad, a Flight Member of A4H, for becoming one of top 72 candidates in the Canadian Space Agency’s astronaut selection campaign.   Well-done Aaron!   He is a tremendous asset to A4H.  Aaron set up a collaboration between our organization and students in the University of Toronto’s Department of Mechanical Engineering to develop a microgravity test bed.  It is designed to run experiments in parabolic flight, especially those involving fluids.    Another project he was instrumental in conceiving is that of a physical model of a bone cell to be tested in weightlessness.   Currently, Aaron is completing his post-doctoral fellowship in the Sinton Lab at the University of Toronto. All of us at A4H wish him good luck during the next phase of the selection process.   We hope he will achieve his goal of becoming one of Canada's next astronauts.
Hello everyone, First off, I want to say thank-you.   A4H is going through many changes.   With the challenges commercial flight providers have faced in recent years, we are rethinking how to contribute to the space sector and present ourselves to the community.   Switching from seeking jobs as payload specialist astronauts to creating our own opportunities to fly in space is necessary but tremendously challenging.   We have many questions.   How can we design experiments and develop technologies that allow us to fly into space eventually?   Who can help us?   Should we build our own technologies or test those built by others?   How can we do so ethically and responsibly? We are so grateful for the patience and support of our members.   Many of you are students.   With the cost of education and the job market as it is, especially in the aerospace sector, we recognize how hard it can be for you put money towards causes you care about. ...

A4H Member to Participate in Poland Mars Analogue Simulation 2017

One of our own A4H members, Iñigo Muñoz Elorza, will be participating in the upcoming Poland Mars Analog Simulation 2017, organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council's (SGAC) Space Exploration Project Group (SEPG), who is currently raising funds for the mission on Indiegogo . It will be a two-week mission where a crew of six analogue astronauts will conduct and record their experiences and scientific research in the newly built the M.A.R.S. Laboratory habitat near Rzepiennik Biskupi, Poland. The mission will be complete with a time-delayed link with the offices of ABM Space in Torun, Poland, where 30 international students and young professionals will act as the Flight Support Team (FST) in the PMAS 2017 Mission Support Centre (MSC). The mission will also include a 3-day lunar simulation in partnership with ESA  to mimic the potential future plans of not only returning to the Moon alone, but using a Moon base as testbed for future Mars exploration. Sebastian He...

The First National Astronaut Day

Today, May 5, 2016, marks the first celebration of the NEW National Astronaut Day , created by marketing and management firm Uniphi Space Agency , who represents and arranges travel for astronauts to special events like keynote presentations, book signings, corporate and private events, conferences, and more. Uniphi celebrated with an online proclamation of National Astronaut Day and an global social media celebration where astronauts, other space industry professionals, and space enthusiasts all came together to discuss their love for space, using the hashtags #NationalAstronautDay and #WeBelieveInAstronauts . So, what is an astronaut? According to Google, an astronaut is "a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft." says "a person engaged in or trained for spaceflight," and Merriam-Webster defines it in full as "a person who travels beyond the earth's atmosphere; also: a trainee for spaceflight." Astronauts have long been - a...

Secret Space Escapes: Robert Curbeam interview

Space is a dangerous place. Astronauts are trained to respond to and overcome challenges that they encounter on their missions. Some of these near disasters are featured in the TV series Secret Space Escapes , which continues in re-runs on the Science Channel. Set your DVRs to record tomorrow's episode featuring Robert Curbeam's own space escape! A4H's Victoria Varone sat down with astronauts Linger , Yi , and Curbeam during their recent appearance at New York Comic Con . Here, we've posted her interview with astronaut Robert Curbeam . They discussed his experiences with "mishaps" in space, what he thinks of commercial space, and his favorite NASA experience. RC: I’m Robert Curbeam, I’m a retired NASA astronaut. A4H: Thank you very much for sitting down with me. This panel coming up is for Secret Space Escapes, a new show about disasters that have happened in space, right? RC: Well, yeah, although we prefer to call them ‘mishaps.’ Fortunately, everybody y...

Happy Holidays from A4H!

Dear friends, From all of us at Astronauts for Hire, thank you for a your support in 2015. May you have a joyful holiday and very happy new year! I am proud of our community of nearly 200 members, who work together to prepare for future careers as astronauts. Over the past year our members have completed training programs with Project PoSSUM and NASTAR, tested spacesuits for Final Frontier Design, and helped advance other new mission opportunities to grow the industry. We congratulate Blue Origin, SpaceX, Boeing, and others on major milestones reached in 2015 that advance commercial human spaceflight. We also thank NASA for once again accepting astronaut candidate applications and wish everyone who applies the best of luck throughout the selection process. Wishing you a 2016 that is out of this world, Brian Shiro, A4H President and CEO